

✅ Solana Wallet address for interacting:


Name: Bigjoe.js


Telegram: Bigjoe.js

What device did you use for testing? Mobile/PC: Samsung galaxy A21s Operation System Version: Android 13 Browser Version: Chrome 118 I ended up using my desktop / laptop and smartphone, due to the nature of the tasks.

Detailed Experience/Feedback:

Login experience was very good. Used phantom to sign in (and claim access NFT beforehand) without any issues.

After activating the key, I tried purchasing a bond and got an error saying I would have to KYC. This message should come with a clickable link AND be much easier to find. Simply having it in the Account section would be good. I’m currently having a hard time finding it again trying to replicate my steps. KYC process itself was very smooth and fast. Once the activation and KYC was processed, purchasing the bonds was very easy. Purchased both options and found the display with maturity and APY clear and good.

I had one mature bond (must have been from the Superteam call!) which I redeemed. The process was smooth and easy – perhaps some kind of “your bond is ready to be redeemed” or something would be helpful to guide users. I was not sure what the asset in there was and just clicked on the button to see what would happen :) This is certainly only a one-time issue in this case but could be helpful to include a prompt.

Understandable, clear & clean design, minus the “convert”.

On menu items: If “Documentation” redirects to a new website, making the link open a new window might be worth a thought, I personally find it nicer than being taken off the main site that you don’t expect to leave when clicking on a menu item. Same goes for Contact. I also think an Email option might be nice for more traditional users taking the leap.

While attempting to use the 'Receive access pass' on my laptop, the provided link failed to connect. However, I successfully scanned the QR code using my tablet, and the process went smoothly ✅.